Our Team


Managing Director
An energetic, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and with academic background in Food Science from a leading university in Bangkok; Jack started his first career as a Food Scientist in Thai Department of Agriculture where he enjoyed accumulating intellectual resouces on Food Control System for Exported & Imported Food from experienced officials.  Two years later, he joined NFPA-Asia and Thai Food Processors Association as a Technical Specialist which allowed him to build the relationship with domestic & international food firms.
Gaining those direct 6-year experiences in food, he decided to motivate himself and look for a new opportunity of which he could contribute his professionalism to organization by joining a leading food agency company in Bangkok with his first position as a Quality Control Specialist. After 3 years in the company, he was offered a challenging career path and was promoted to work in a different field of which when including his outstanding education background in packaging field, he oversaw Commercial & New Business Development not only in term of food but packaging involvement. Deserving after his outstanding and valuable dedication over 20 years, he decided to set up the new venture with supporting from experienced team mate. 
Fifty One Corp is his proudly presented company after a long journey in food industry. With technical and commercial insight in food, Fifty One Corp is a food partner whom you can rely on.
Sales & Marketing, Logistics, Quality Control and Finance

Our team members combine their experience and expertise with an in depth-understanding in food business. The best of talent who understand your project objectives and needs better, work with you closely and proactively and who are best suited for your business. Listen to our clients and understand their needs.  Pay attention to the details, exceed the expectations and over deliver to make a lasting impression.  If there’s a problem, then quickly make it right and let our clients know that you truly appreciate their business.